


  • 1、英语二2024年真题解析-阅读1
  • 2、英语二2024年真题解析-阅读2 粮食自给自足
  • 3、求2024考研英语二真题及答案
  • 4、英语二2024年真题解析-阅读3



1、"Reskilling" is something 【 that sounds like a buzzword】   but is actually a requirement   {   if we plan to have a future   【 in which a lot of would-be workers do not get left behind】}   。在培训听上去是一个流行语,但如果我们希望未来的员工不被时代抛弃的话,这实际上是一个必要条件 。——“再培训”是员工进步的必要条件

2、 We know(that) {【we are moving into a period 】(where the jobs in demand will change rapidly), as will the requirements of the jobs 【that remain】.}我们知道人们正在进入一个工作需求将发生迅速变化的时期,剩余岗位的需求也会很快改变。 —— 工作需求正发生迅速变化。

as引导方式状语,“就像”,后面倒装。正常语序是the requirements of the jobs that remain  will (change rapidly)

3、 ⭐ Research by the World Economic Forum finds that on average 42 per cent of the"core skills" within job roles will change by 2024.   That is a very short timeline.

世界经济论坛发现42%的核心技能,赋予的工作角色将要被改变。在2024年世界经济论坛的研究发现,到2024年工作岗位中平均有42%的核心技能将发生改变。剩下的时间不多了。 ——通过世界经济论坛佐证,“员工需要新的工作技能”


1、The question of who should pay for reskilling is a thorny one.


2、 ⭐ For individual companies, the temptation is always to let go of workers 【whose skills are no longer in demand 】and replace them with those 【whose skills are.(省略 in demand) 】


3、(转折句)That does not always happen.  这也不经常发生。

4、 ⭐ ATT is often given as the gold standard of a company 【 that decided to do a massive reskilling program rather than go with a fire-and-hire strategy. 】


5、Other companies had also pledged to create their own plans. 其他公司也承诺会制定自己的计划。

6、When the skills mismatch is in the broader economy, though(转折) ,the focus usually turns to government to handle.然而当技能不匹配的现象出现在更广泛的经济领域时,焦点常常会转向政府,并由其处理。

7、 ⭐ Efforts in Canada and elsewhere have been arguably languid at best, and have given us a situation 【where we frequently hear of employers (begging for workers)】,even at times and in regions【 where unemployment is high】.可以这么说。加拿大和其他地方付出的努力,充其量还是不够。含这也使我们经常听到雇主央求招聘员工的情况发生,即使在失业率高的时期和地区也是如此。

languid表示“慵懒,慢悠悠”即努力不够,这词一般不认识考上下文。 and have givenus asituation,and 说明与上句并列意思基本一致,说明解决问题的努力(efforts)还不够,要不怎会出现招工难?


1、With the pandemic,unemployment is very high indeed.


2、In February,at 3.5 percent and 5.5 percent respectively,unemployment rates in Canada and United States were at generational lows and worker shortages were everywhere.


3、As of May, those rates had spiked up to 13.3 per cent and 13.7 per cent,and although many worker shortages had disappeared, not all had done so.


4、 ⭐ In the medical field, to take an obvious example,the pandemic meant that there were still clear shortages of doctors, nurses and other medical personnel.



1、Of course,it is not like you can take and unemployed waiter and train him to be a doctor in a few weeks.


2、But even if you cannot close that gap,may be you can close others,and doing so would be to the benefit of all concerned.


3、 ⭐ That seems to be the case in Sweden: 【When forced to furlough 90 per cent of their cabin staff】 , Scandinavian Airlines decided to start up a short retraining program 【 that reskilled the laid-off workers to support hospital staff.】


4、The effort was a collective one and involved other companies as well as a Swedish university.  这是一次集体的行动,其他公司和一所瑞典的大学都参与到了其中。

21.Research by the World Economic Forum Suggests _____.世界经济论坛的研究 表明 了?

[A] an urgent demand for new job skills (“既然42%要变” ,那么对新的工作技能迫切的需求)

[B] an increase in full-time employment    无中生有

[C] a steady growth of job opportunities    无中生有

[D]a controversy about the"core skills"    原文是 will change,并没有说“争议”

答案∶ A

22. ATT is cited to show_____.【例证题找例外】文章引用at and t是为了证明?

[A] The characteristics of reskilling in programs 在培训的项目特点   无中生有

[B] The importance of staff appraisal standards 员工评价标准的重要性  无中生有

[C] An immediate need for government support  干扰项出自第6句,though转折了,故与A无关

[D]An alternative to the five-and-hire standards  解雇和雇佣策略之外的另一种选择 good


23.Efforts to resolve the skills mismatch in Canada___. 细节题(稍难)

在加拿大解决技能不匹配问题 努力

[A] have appeared to be insufficient  似乎还不够      注意题目问的是对“努力”的评价

[B] have driven labour costs up 抬高劳动力成本    无中生有

[C] have proved ti be inconsistent  被证明是矛盾的  无中生有

[D] have met with fierce opposition 遭到激烈反对    无中生有


24. We can learn from Paragraph 3 that there was_____.细节题(简)

[A] a sign of economic recovery 暗示经济复苏   无中生有

[B] a call for policy adjustment   一种对政策调整的呼吁  无中生有

[C] a change in hiring practices  一种招聘方式的改变  无中生有

[D] a lack of medical workers


25.Scandinavian Airlines decided to_____.细节题(易)

[A] create job vacancies for the unemployed  为失业者创造职位空缺。空缺不对,原文是给失业员工创造新的工作机会

[B] retrain their cabin staff for better services   前半句重新培训对,后半句无中生有

[C] prepare their laid-off workers for other jobs  让失业员工为其他工作做好准备

[D] finance their staffs' college education   为员工的大学教育提供资助  干扰项最后一句,原文是有一所大学参与这个项目,不是资助员工读大学



let go of  释放 放弃

massive 巨大

pledge 保证

arguably 按理

languid 慵懒

at best 最多充其量

Pendemic 流行病

spike 迅速增长

concerned 有关的

furlough 临时解雇

collective 集体的

英语二2024年真题解析-阅读2 粮食自给自足

Text 2 英国粮食自给自足的模式



1、表原因【 With the global population predicted to hit close to 10 billion by 2050 ,and forecasts{ that agricultural production in some regions will need to nearly double to keep pace}】, food security is increasingly making headlines.


2、In the UK,it has become a big talking point recently too,for a rather particular reason: Brexit.



Brexit is seen by some as an opportunity {to reverse are recent trend}{ towards the UK importing food.} 有一些认为英国脱欧是一个机会对于扭转进口食品的趋势

The country produces only about 60 per cent of the food it eats, down from almost three-quarters in the late 1980s.该国的粮食产量只占其消费量的60%比20世纪世纪80年代末的75%更低

⭐A move back to self-sufficiency, the argument goes, would boost the farming industry, political sovereignty and even the nation's health.到自给自足的模式,将会推动农业发展、强化政治主权,甚至能够提高国民健康。

Sounds great - but how feasible is this vision ?听起来很棒但这一愿景的可行性度如何呢


⭐According to a report on UK food production from the University of Leeds ,85 percent of the country's total land area is associated with meat and dairy production.


That supplies 80 percent of what is consumed,so even covering the whole country in livestock farms wouldnt allow us to cover all our meat and dairy needs.



There are many caveats to those figures, but they are still grave.尽管对这些数据有不少的预先声明但形式依然严峻

To become much more self-sufficient, the UK would need to drastically reduce its consumption of animal foods,and probably also farm more intensively—meaning fewer green fields,and more factory-style production.  第2题干扰项出处



But switching to a mainly plant-based diet wouldn't help. 不过转向素食为主的饮食也无济于事

⭐There is a good reason why the UK is dominated by animal husbandry: most of its terrain doesn't have the right soil or climate to grow crops on a commercial basis.


Just 25 percent of the country's land is suitable for crop-growing,most of which is already occupied by arable fields.只有25%的国土师和种植农作物其中大部分已经备耕地占用

Even if we converted all the suitable land to fields of fruit and veg—which would involve taking out all he nature reserves and removing thousands of people from their homes—we would achieve only a 30 percent boost in crop production .即使我们将所有适宜种植的土地改造,包括所有的自然保护区,使成千上万的人千离家园,也只能实现农作物增长30%。


⭐Just 23 percent of the fruit and vegetables consumed in the UK are currently home-grown,so even with the most extreme measures we could meet only 30 per cent of our fresh produce needs.    目前英国消费的水果和蔬菜只有23%是本土种植的

That is before we look for the space to grow the grains,sugars, seeds and oils that provide us with the vast bulk of our current calorie intake


26.Some people argue that food self-sufficiency in UK would_____. 一些人们争论这个食物自给自足在英国将会怎样?

[A] be hindered by its population growth  ×无中生有

[B] become a priority of government  × 无中生有

[C] pose a challenge to its farming industry × 反义错项  对农业产业的一个挑战  原文是boost增加 

[D] contribute to the nation's well-being    提高国民的健康福利


27.The report by the university of leeds shows that in the UK_____.

[A] farmland has been inefficiently utilized  耕地利用低下   ×  无中生有

[B] factory-style production needs reforming 工厂化生产需要改革 ×  无中生有   干扰来自第4段末尾,不是题眼句,距离相差甚远,且原文没有说reform

[C] most land is used for meat and dairy production

[D] more green fields will be converted for farming ×   来自第4段后,不是本题定位句。


28.Grop-growing in the UK restricted due to_____.

[A] its farming technology 农业耕作技术

[B]its dietary tradition  饮食传统

[C] its natural conditions  自然条件

[D] its commercial interests  商业利益


29.It can be learned from the last paragraph that British people?

[A] rely largely on imports for fresh produce  对于新鲜食品的生产是靠大量的进口  原文 fruit and vegetables 同义替换 fresh produce 

[B] enjoy a steady rise infrunt consumption 消费水果的数量稳步上升 ×  无中生有

[C] are seeking effective ways to cut calorie intake 正在尝试种植新的谷物品种×  无中生有

[D] are trying to grow new varieties of gains  正寻找减少热量摄入的有效方法  原文谷物糖类提供大部分热量  并非说英国人寻找减少热量方法


30.The author's attitude to food self-efficiency in the UK is_____.

[A] defensive 防范的 没有提及

[B] tolerant  反义

[C] optimistic  反义

[D] doubtful  定位第2段第3句-4句  the argument goes一些人观点,sounds great- BUT表达否定


reverse  扭转

inefficiently 无效

utilized 利用



talking point话题


sufficiency 充足

argument 论据



feasible 可行的

vision 愿景



caveat 警告




consumption 消费

intensiveyly 集中地

swtich改变 转换

dominate 主导






convert 转变


involve 包括

nuature reserve 自然保护区

grain 谷物

seed 种子


bulk 大部分

intake 摄入


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Text 3


When Microsoft bought task management app Wunderlist and mobile calendar Sunrise in 2024,it picked two newcomers that were attracting considerable buzz in Silicon Valley.


Microsoft's own Office dominates the market for"productivity"software,but the star-ups represented a new wave of technology designed from the ground up for the smartphone world.



Both apps,however,were later scrapped after Microsoft said it had used their best features in its own products. 干扰项目出处


♥Their teams of engines stayed on👀, making them two of the many"acqui-hires"that the biggest companies have used to feed their great hunger for tech talent。


31.What is true about Wunderlist and Sunrise after their acquisitions? 【判断题】


[A] Their market values declined. 他们的市场价值正在下滑 ×无中生有

[B] Their engineers were retained. 他们的工程师被保留了下来。√ 原文替换:stayed on

[C] Their tech features improved.他们的技术特征得到了改进  ×原文是微软自己的产品技术用了最好

[D] Their products were re-priced. 他们的产品重新定价     ×无中生有



♥To Microsoft's critics , the fates of Wunderlist and Sunrise are examples of a remorseless drive by Big Tech to 👁 chew up any innovative companies 👁 that lie in their path.


"They bought the seedlings and closed them down,"complained  Paul Amold a partner at San Francisco-based Switch Ventures, putting an end to businesses that might one day tum into competitors. Microsoft declined to comment.

总部位于旧金山的Switch Ventures的合伙人保罗•阿莫德(Paul Amold)抱怨道:“他们买下了这些幼苗,然后把它们关了。”这样,可能有一天会变成竞争对手的企业就被终结了。 微软拒绝置评。

32.Microsofts critics believe that the big tech companies tend to_____.

[A]exaggerate their product quality 夸大产品质量

[B]treat new tech talent unfairly 不公平地对待新科技人才

[C] eliminate their potential competitions 排除潜在的竞争对手  原文替换:chew up any innovative companies  吃掉创新公司

[D] ignore public opinions 无视公众意见



Like other start-up investors,Mr.Arnold's own business often depends on selling start-ups to larger tech companies,though he admits to mixed feelings about the result:"I think these things are good for me,if I put my selfish hat on. 👁But are they good for the American economy? I don't know."

和其他初创企业的投资者一样,他说: 阿诺德自己的生意通常依赖于将初创企业出售给规模更大的科技公司,不过他承认,他对这样做的结果有复杂的感受:“如果我戴上自私的帽子,我认为这些事情对我是有好处的。 但它们对美国经济有好处吗? 我不知道。”  

33 .Paul Arnold is concerned that small acquisitions might 【推断题】⭐⭐⭐⭐

[A] weaken big tech companies 削弱大型科技公司

[B] worse market competition 更糟糕的是市场竞争

[C]discourage start up investors 不鼓励创业投资者

[D] harm the national economy 危害国民经济 But are they good for the American economy?



The US Federal Trade Commission says it wants to find the answer to that question. (没有对应选项,往下看)

This week, it asked the five most valuable US tech companies for information ab out their many small acquisitions over the past decade.


Although only are search project at this stage,the request has raised the prospect of regulators wading into early-stage tech markets that until now have been beyond their reach.


34. The US Federal Trade Commission intends to _____.

[A] supervise start-ups' operations 监督初创公司的运营   原文只说调查,并没有采取行动

[B] encourage research collaboration 鼓励研究合作 × 无中生有 过度脑补 Although only are search project at this stage

[C] limit Big Tech's expansion 限制了大型科技公司的扩张 × 无中生有 过度脑补

[D] examine small acquisitions.检查小规模收购 /对小规模收购进行调查



Given their combined market value of more than $5.5trillion, rifling through such small deals-many of them much less prominent than Wunderlist and Sunrise-might seem beside the point.


❤Between them, the five biggest tech companies have spent an average of only S 3.4 billion a year on sub-SI billion acquisitions over the past five years— a drop in the ocean compared with their massive financial reserves, and the more than S 130 billion of venture capital that was invested in the US last year.



However, critics say the big companies use such deals to buy their most threatening potential competitors before their businesses have a chance to gain momentum,in some cases as part of a"buy and kill "tactic to simply close them down.

然而,批评人士表示,大公司利用此类交易,在自己的业务有机会获得发展势头之前,收购最具威胁性的潜在竞争对手,在某些情况下,这是一种“买了就杀”(buy and kill)策略的一部分,目的只是让它们倒闭。  

35.For the five biggest tech companies , their small acquisitions have_____.


[A] raised few management challenges 提出了一些管理上的挑战

[B] brought little financial pressure  几乎没有财政压力

[C] Set an example for future deals 为未来的交易树立榜样

[D] generated considerable profits  产生可观的利润

答案∶ B







supervise 监督

operations 运营


expansion 膨胀

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